frozen one
JoinedPosts by frozen one
Vikings or Saints?
by 5thGeneration inwe all know the colts will win.. how 'bout the vikings and saints?.
Have You Ever Bought Something From An Infomercial?
by minimus ini was reading an article from a magazine quoting consumer reports saying that most infomercials say that their products are so much better than another but the reality is often it's not true.. i'm curious; did you ever buy something because of an infomercial?
if so, what?.
frozen one
I purchased a Total Gym. I actually used it for quite a while but didn't end up looking like Chuck Norris...or Christie Brinkley.
If you ever buy anything from an infomercial, when placing the order ask if any returns are available. Returned product is sold at a good discount.
It feels like the Ice Age and not Global Warming
by MsDucky init's cold!
are the ice caps still melting?
frozen one
I did get a memo, several years ago, that said "due to global warming, we can expect to see wild weather swings".
I remember some of those memos. They mentioned hurricane after hurricane pounding the crap out of everything. The new, improved hurricanes were supposed to make Katrina look like a spring thunderstorm. Tornados were mentioned also. Countless tornados flattening everything in tornado alley year around.
I read another memo recently stating that due to climate change hurricane activity will plumet which leads me to believe that those living in hurricane prone areas should batten down the hatches.
Brrrrr! A bit brisk outdoors.
by frozen one intry to make the most of it....
frozen one
Getting much lake effect on the south shore, Chickpea?
Brrrrr! A bit brisk outdoors.
by frozen one intry to make the most of it....
frozen one
Try to make the most of it...
Circuit Overseer said from platform ,if you have ever done something and not confessed to Elders...going to die!!
by Lady Liberty injust had lunch with a inactive jw friend of mine who is well on her way out.
she said that when the she went to the kingdom hall the week of the circuit overseers visit, he said from the platform, that if anyone had done any wrong doing in the past, no matter how long ago, and had never come forward to tell the elders, then they would not make it into the new system, but would rather die at armegedon!!.
i guess after that talk the elders were inindated and they began privately, and publically reproving, and removing ones!!
frozen one
I would have this tearful confession. "I preached that those who witnessed the return of Christ, the 1914 generation, would not pass away before the end would come. My gawd! I promoted a false prophecy!! Truly an abomination to Jehovah!!! I'm bird food!!!!"
Do you know Marijuana Pepsi?
by frozen one ini saw a segment on the today show this morning about people with odd given names.
the featured name was marijuana pepsi sawyer.
i read a story about her online also.
frozen one
I saw a segment on the Today Show this morning about people with odd given names. The featured name was Marijuana Pepsi Sawyer. I read a story about her online also. The first thing that jumped out of the article was, "This tall, striking, self-assured, motorcycle-riding woman is a schoolteacher with a master's degree in higher education administration. Soon, she'll start work on her doctorate." Oh, be still my heart!
Further along the article gave an explaination as to how Marijuana got her name:
"Sawyer's aunt, Mayetta Jackson of Chicago, clearly remembers when the name was picked in 1972. The newborn's mother and father were products of the post-Woodstock era when reefer was rampant.
"And they would cool off with a Pepsi," she said, which makes you think it's lucky for Sawyer that it wasn't Coke instead. "I thought it was crazy," her aunt said about the name, "but they were such fun-loving people that it suited them."
A couple years later, Sawyer's father, Aaron Jackson, put all that aside and became a Jehovah's Witness. The marriage ended. Young Marijuana lived with her father in Chicago until she was 9 and then moved to Beloit to a much less stable home situation with her mother."
I wonder how much grief the little girl named Marijuana got from the loving congregation she was dragged to by her father? Anybody from Chicago remember meeting this child?
A tall, educated biker who was associated with the cult as a child.
Marijuana, I think I love you!
Rush Limbaugh in Hospital in Serious Condition
by RubaDub injust saw the newsflash on cnn (10:30 est wed 30 dec 2009).
seems he had serious chest pains while playing golf in hawaii and was rushed to the hospital.
not sure where the "serious condition" part came from but that's what was reported.. even those of us who disagree with most of what he says wish him no harm and a speedy recovery.. however, when you are that full of shit, it takes a toll on your body.. rub a dub.
frozen one
3 hours/day, 5 days a week for 40 weeks/year (give or take) for 20 years = 12,000 hours of air time (a conservative estimate) and this is all you people got? The awful joke dredged up from 15 years ago about the Clinton girl being first dog was really disgusting, but "Barack the Magic Negro?" That bit came from the LA Times.
I'm waiting for the real story of Limbaugh's heart attack to come out. Tiger Wood's scandal all started with a seemingly innocent car accident. Its possible that Rush's story will take some equally sordid turn also. Maybe something involving cocaine, Viagra, and hookers...male hookers?!? Or maybe he really did just have a heart attack after too much golf.
Godspeed on your recovery, Rush. Sixy, bks, et al need you back on the air to serve as a distraction from the current crop of dipshits running Washington.
Totally Busted and Scared!!!!!!
by 2pink inmy husband and i have been fading/disappearing for a few months now.
we haven't been to meetings in quite some time, but most of our family members live out of the area, so they don't know yet.
so with the spirit of joy that comes from newly exiting a doomsday cult, we have been celebrating all the holidays as well as my 5 year old's birthday (she turned 5 on december 2).
frozen one
Is this cousin particularly close to you? If not, have you considered blocking her ability to send you messages via Facebook? Kind of like disfellowshipping her from your Facebook account. Your cousin has no business getting into your business but you are the one that has to set the boundaries.